Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Rendito Hasri W
NPM : 15115753
Kelas : 4KA23

1. Present Future
    - I am going to announce this information tonight
    - Saya akan mengumumkan informasi ini malam nanti
    - This sentence uses present future "going to announce" because of the adverb of time "tonight.
2. Present Tense
    - He always attends the meeting on time
    - Dia selalu menghadiri pertemuan tepat waktu
    - This sentence uses present tense “attends” because of the adverb of frequency “always”.
3. Past Tense
    - I borrowed her book yesterday
    - Saya meminjam bukunya kemarin
    - This sentence uses past tense “borrowed” because of the adverb of time “yesterday”.
4. Present Perfect
    - I have burned all of memories about her since last year
    - Saya sudah membakar semua kenangan tentang dia sejak tahun lalu
    - This sentence uses present perfect “have burned” because of the adverb of time “since last year”.
5. Present Continuous
    - I am enjoying my vacation now 
    - Saya sedang menikmati liburan saya sekarang
    - This sentence uses present continuous “enjoying” because of the adverb of time “now”.
6. Present Perfect + Simple Past
    - I have fixed the television since it broke
    - Saya sudah memperbaiki televisi sejak itu rusak
    - This sentence uses present perfect “have fixed” because of the adverb of time “since” and simple past “broke”.

7. Simple Past Tense + Past Perfect Tense
    - Anggun was an afraid girl since she had accident
    - Anggun seorang gadis yangpenakut semenjak dia kecelakaan
    - This sentence uses simple past tense “was an afraid girl” because of the adverb of time “since” and uses past perfect tense “had accident”

8. Past Continuous + Simple Past
    - An apple fell down, while Newton was sitting under tree
    - Sebuah apel jatuh ke bawah ketika Newton sedang duduk di bawah pohon
    - This sentence uses conjunction “while” followed past continuous “was sitting”, therefore the main clause uses simple past “fell”.

9. Simple Past Future Tense
    - He would fancy you
    - Dia akan menyukaimu
    - This sentence uses simple past future tense because of the modal auxiliary verb “would”. 

10. Future Continuous
      - She will be sleeping at 10 pm
      - Dia akan sedang tidur pada jam 10 malam
      - This sentence uses future continuous “will be sleeping” because of the adverb of time “at 10 pm”


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