
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2019

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Rendito Hasri W NPM : 15115753 Kelas : 4KA23 1. Present Future     - I am going to announce this information tonight     - Saya akan mengumumkan informasi ini malam nanti     - This sentence uses present future "going to announce" because of the adverb of time "tonight.   2. Present Tense     - He always attends the meeting on time     - Dia selalu menghadiri pertemuan tepat waktu     - This sentence uses present tense “attends” because of the adverb of frequency “always”.   3. Past Tense     - I borrowed her book yesterday     - Saya meminjam bukunya kemarin     - This sentence uses past tense “borrowed” because of the adverb of time “yesterday”.   4. Present Perfect     - I have burned all of memories about her since last year     - Saya sudah membakar semua kenangan tentang dia sejak tahun lalu     - This sentenc...